Monday, September 29, 2008

Fun Times

This box has been around since before Kyler was born, so since at least April. It is one of Kamryn and Kaden's favorite things to play in. It has been; a rocket ship, a cave, a house- doll and dog, an elevator and just a box. They have laughed and laughed playing with it. IT has entertained them for hours at a time- amazing! Well, Friday one of the more wild neighborhood boys came over and jumped on it- it broke. They handled it great and the best part is now we won't have to worry about where to keep it!
The following are totally cute pictures!


Our Ohana said...

Cute Mug Shots! Little Kyler is looking so big. We miss you guys.

Rach said...

We should go into business selling boxes--marketing them as toys. We could color them in bright colors and they could flip sides for different things-doll house, dog house, rocket ship, etc. Of course they would have to be inexpensive so they can be replaced easily!! One more thing for Providence Days :)